About me

When I was a teenager I was so eager for people to visit my various sites and become completely enamored with me via my extensive "About Me" page. This was all the way back in the before-times, in the long-long-ago: the years c. 1999-2003, when the internet was still pretty rad. Even though more than 20 years has passed since my horrible, beautiful Geocities children were erased, there's still a part of me that hopes someone will read this little list and be simply enchanted.
Age: 30s.
ADHD: Diagnosed and medicated, please send help regardless.
Queer: Yes.
Hobbies: Video games, drawing, freshwater aquariums, houseplants, frustrating attempts at painting. Web design, I guess.
Music: Mostly metal, lots of synthwave. Favorite things to listen to include Rammstein, Carpenter Brut, Motörhead, Tenacious D, Tom Cardy, Battle Beast, Weird Al.
Movies: The Thing, It Follows, Labyrinth, Willow, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Bride, Pacific Rim, Nightmare on Elm Street, Mad Max: Fury Road.
Shows: Star Trek (DS9 my beloved), Babylon 5, anything with Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej (BuzzFeed Unsolved, Puppet History, Ghost Files), What We Do In The Shadows, Fleabag, the Simpsons, Futurama, Peacemaker, Always Sunny.
Current Celebrity Crush: Shane Madej.
Blideo Bames: Sea of Thieves, Valheim, Witcher 3, Frostpunk, Splatoon 2/3, and Hades have consumed so much of my life.
The Perfect Man™? Geralt of Rivia (all versions). He complains about having to dress nice while hogging all the shrimp at a dinner party, ~ e x q u i s i t e ~